FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Please Note: These are not “frequently asked questions”. I am typing the questions and the answers so you can get an idea of what I’m doing, what I’m offering, and the basic overview of how you can make money by becoming an affiliate for “the Flip Florida Land E-book bundle”. Thank you for understanding.

1. How do I join the affiliate program?

To get started as an affiliate for “the Flip Florida Land E-book bundle”, follow the steps below:

1. Click this link and sign up for a SendOwl account (free) to get your affiliate link for “the Flip Florida Land E-book bundle”

2. Once you join SendOwl, you can follow the instructions to get the affiliate link.

3. Once you get the affiliate link, share it and promote it and, with every sale you make using your affiliate link, you earn $498.50

4. If you have questions, email: bicycledays@yahoo.com with “questions about the Flip Florida Land E-book bundle affiliate program” in the subject line

5. Click this link and sign up for a SendOwl account (free) to get your affiliate link for “the Flip Florida Land E-book bundle”

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Optional link to learn more about the affiliate program

Click here to learn more about the affiliate program

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2. Who are you?

Hi. My name is Michael Kristopher Kemp. I go by the name Kris Kemp. I’m a writer, copywriter, musician, photographer, traveler, and creative entrepreneur. I have a plethora of creative interests that appear to share the common theme of freedom–creative freedom, financial freedom, travel/location freedom, health freedom, and more.  I specialize in building websites using WordPress and HTML, writing e-books, copywriting for squeeze pages and landing pages, and lead generation to build an audience and grow profits.

3. If I sign up as an affiliate for “the Flip Florida Land E-book bundle”, am I guaranteed to make money?

No.  You are not guaranteed to make money.  However, if you do make a sale using your unique affiliate link, you earn $498.50.

This is not guaranteed. If you put in the time to get a basic overview of how promote your unique affiliate link, you’re likely to make some money doing this. If you dedicate about an hour a day, you’re likely to see beneficial results.

4.  If I sign up as an affiliate, what am I promoting?

“the Flip Florida Land e-book bundle”

Flip Florida Land Ebook Bundle

You can see the Flip Florida Land E-book bundle websites by clicking on the links below:



5. Is there a money-back guarantee for “the Flip Florida Land E-book bundle”?

At the moment, there is not a money-back guarantee for this course.  This means that with each and every sale you make, using your unique affiliate link, you earn $498.50 per sale.  And, as there is no money-back guarantee, that $498.50 is yours to keep.

You can see the Flip Florida Land E-book bundle websites by clicking on the links below:



Bookmark this site for easy reference.

Bookmark this site for easy reference, so you can come back to it at your leisure.


6. What is The Flip Florida Land Ebook Bundle?

The Flip Florida Land E-book Bundle is a one-of-a-kind digital product that offers a variety of resources that provides you the knowledge, the skills, the tools that you can use to make money flipping properties in Florida, or anywhere else in the United States, for fun and profit, and make money online so you can work from anywhere in the world. Also, you’ll get additional strategies you can use to make money offline, and travel abroad on a budget that will enable you to spend less and experience more.

7. What if I have additional questions?
If you have questions or comments, email: bicycledays@yahoo.com

8. How can I contact you?

Kris Kemp